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R22 Buy Back Price

ALFA CANTOR is an unique EPA-Certified Refrigerant buyback company that deals with HVAC and mechanical contractors nationwide. We buy back (or re-purchase) used and/or recovered R-22, as well as PAY for mixed R-22, along with most other refrigerants!

r22 buy back price


We are engaged in refrigerant buyback (or re-purchase) of a wide range of other used refrigerants, a.k.a. Freon, including R-134a, R-123, R-11, R-12, R- 113, R-114, R-500, and R-502. We also accept and buyback pure 400- and 500-series gases, like R-410A.

As an EPA-Certified Refrigerant Reclaimer, we provide detailed reports on the refrigerant weight and purity in each cylinder. Not only do we include these components and pay you for your recovered refrigerant, but we also package the program with expert service and our commitment to quality. This is what makes our R-22 Buyback Program so easy to use.

The current cash buyback price for R-22 is $6.00/lb. when consolidated into 250# and/or ton refrigerant recovery cylinders. The current credit buyback price is $7.00/lb. towards the purchase of virgin R-22, pound for pound, respectively. The minimum purchase of R-22 is ten(10) cylinders. Prices can and do change frequently, please call for a current buyback price when returning recovered refrigerant.

R-410A will be taken back at no charge, at the same time, on the same pallet, only when a 250# R-22 recovery cylinder is returned. R-410A must be in 125# refrigerant recovery cylinders. There is currently no buyback price for R-410A.

Upon receipt at one of our US EPA Certified Reclamation facilities, your refrigerant will be weighed and tested for purity. Upon completion of processing, you will be provided with a complete EPA Reclaim report for your records and given the option to take the cash buyback or purchase new material to receive the higher buyback credit price.

To become a participating BuyMax Contractor, please fill out the Refrigerant Buyback Cylinder/Program Enrollment Form and fax the completed form back to USA Refrigerants at 1-845-425-5338. Your order will be processed upon receipt and empty cylinders will be shipped to you.

How much is R12 worth? How are refrigerant buyback prices set? What is the price per pound for my old Freon? These are probably the three most common questions we get at Refrigerant Finders. Thankfully, we have answers. Our expert team is available online or by phone, every day, to give you the best price for your R12 refrigerant and to arrange a convenient pick up or drop off.

The price of R-12 refrigerant is certainly not what it used to be. In 1950, you could buy it in a 145-pound cylinder for $47.85. In the late 1980s, before new production was phased out under the Montreal Protocol, a 30 pound cylinder of R12 refrigerant for sale would cost $15 at your local auto shop. Once the ban on production went into effect in the 1990s, that price jumped. It was estimated that the price per pound for R12 in 1995 was close to $7.50.

Refrigerant Finders pays various amounts for different types of refrigerant gas. The price for R12 will be higher than the price for R11 or R113. This equates to the amount available in the market, as well as the equipment still in use throughout the country that rely on these old CFCs.

Three reclaimers are offering the $6.00 per pound buyback program at this time. Their average purity-level to get a $6.00 payment is 99.5% and above. In addition, they charge a shrinkage fee (5-10%) to account for the lubricants and other impurities, which further reduces the amount paid. Here is an average of several payment schedules from competing reclaimers. This payment schedule illustrates how quickly rates can drop when purity-levels go below 99.5%.

Over the last year, we sampled hundreds of thousands of pounds of recovered R-22 that came in to our program. We found that the average purity level was 98.53%, and it has been falling throughout 2012 as the price of R-22 has increased. There has been an increase in the number of commercial system owners reusing the R-22 that is recovered during maintenance, instead of replacing it. R-22 that is recovered from larger commercial systems acts as a source of high-purity R-22 that increases the overall average purity-levels of recovered R-22. Should this trend continue (and we think it will) the average purity of recovered gas will fall below 98% in the near future.

I am not a contractor but an in house mechanical engineer at a data center,I have a job coming up with an abundant amount of r22,I will recover myself (I am EPA universally certified).Im located in San Diego ca.Do you buy back ? And how much is shipping ? Thanks

We purchase refrigerant at your premises or jobsite, no waiting on the Lab results no recourse. We are the only nationwide refrigerant buyer that buys based on our highly accurate field test reports. Why rely on payment for a commodity that has left your possession. We have buying representatives in available to lower 48 States & Hawaii. We purchase R-11, R-12, R-22, R-113, R-114, R-123, R-134a, R-500 & R-502. The price and value of your refrigerant depends on current market value and refrigerant type and purity. In some cases we will actually be paid to destroy your refrigerant (for Carbon Credits) rather that have it purified for return to market. This value does not come through a Federal Program but rather is a part of individual states Cap & Trade program. These states allow Carbon Credits to be collected in all 50 states and US territories.

This is an important piece of the HFC phasedown, as reclaimed refrigerant will be needed to service existing equipment in future years as production of virgin refrigerant begins to wind down. While refrigerant reclaimers are ready to meet this challenge, they are concerned about how EPA will allocate virgin HFC components, which are needed to return blended refrigerants back to the correct proportions required by the purity standard, AHRI 700.

While it is unknown how long virgin stocks of R-22 will be available, the majority of reclaimers and manufacturers have availability, said Hundley. He added that while the price of reclaimed refrigerants increased in the first part of 2021, that seems to be moderating. But there is no question that the pandemic affected business last year, and there is concern about not only the reduction in recovered refrigerant but also the quality of the materials being recovered.

To address this issue, Midwest Refrigerants LLC has come up with a patented, Montreal Protocol-approved technology, which takes all unwanted, end-of-life CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, and HFOs that have to be incinerated and, instead, chemically converts them back into the source chemicals: high-purity anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous hydrogen chloride, and carbon monoxide that all can be used for new commercial purposes.

Now before I get into the price per pound information you should first understand the R-22 market and your R-22 air conditioner a bit more. The first point of note is do you have an R-22 system? The only way you can be exactly sure is by looking at the outside section of your air conditioner. There should be a white sticker located somewhere on the machine. This sticker will indicate exactly what kind of refrigerant your split-system is taking. If you are in the United States then the chances are that it will be one of two refrigerants. If the unit was manufactured and installed before 2010 then the chances are high that it takes R-22. However, if the system was manufactured after 2010 then it most likely takes the HFC R-410A. Again, it is always best to check for the sticker to identify exactly what kind of refrigerant you are dealing with.

Starting in 2010, when the phase-down began, the pricing of R-22 has been anything but consistent. In some cases it can change wildly from month to month. There are a number of reasons for this but there are a few main drivers that cause the price to go haywire. The first is the basic concept of supply and demand. The more supply out there then the less the price will be. The more demand the higher the price. The other reason is speculation. This is a common term when people discuss the price of oil. Speculators drive the price up or drive the price down. These speculators are folks trying to make a profit based on the rising and falling tide of oil prices.

For those not in the industry I like to compare refrigerant pricing to that of oil. You always hear of oil prices changing day to day. You always hear of speculators and supply/demand issues. Refrigerant is the same way. Since the phase-down started in 2010 we have seen R-22 prices go from a high of twenty-five dollars a pound all the way to nine dollars a pound. That twenty-five dollars per pound was the highest price point that I have seen and that occurred in the summer of 2017. The reason this got so high is that everyone was buying as much R-22 as they could in preparation for the upcoming 2020 phase-out. Because everyone had the same idea of buying up early the price continued to rise and rise.

No one knows for sure what will happen to the pricing when January 1st, 2020 arrives but a lot of the articles I have read predict more of the same. That same price of around nine or ten dollars a pound. This is due to the overwhelming amount of stock-piles out there still.

All of these questions and more are what you are paying your contractor for. Remember that they need to make money too, but there is also a fine line between having profit and gouging. Reading this article, and reviewing the price per pound, will allow you to be educated and give you the power to negotiate the price of refrigerant.

There you have it folks, $13.33 for one pound of R-22 refrigerant. Now, please keep in mind that as I said above these prices can change at any given time. To give you a bit more help I have also included a link from our Ebay partner below that shows you the current market price of R-22. (You used to be able to purchase on Amazon as well, but it has since been removed due to illegal online sales.) 041b061a72


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