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Kitab Sirrul Asrar PDF: The Hidden Wisdom of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani Revealed

Download Kitab Sirrul Asrar PDF: The Mystical Teachings of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani

If you are interested in learning about the secrets of Sufism and the spiritual path of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani, one of the most influential and revered Sufi masters in history, then you should download kitab sirrul asrar pdf. This is a book that contains the essence of his teachings and wisdom, which he revealed to his close disciples and followers.

download kitab sirrul asrar pdf

Kitab sirrul asrar, which means "the book of the secrets of secrets", is a masterpiece of tasawwuf, the science of the soul and the knowledge of Allah. It covers various topics such as the creation of the universe, the nature of the human soul, the stages of spiritual development, the methods of purification, the practices of zikir and meditation, the signs of divine presence, the secrets of dreams and visions, and the etiquette of Sufi discipleship.

Why You Should Download Kitab Sirrul Asrar PDF

There are many reasons why you should download kitab sirrul asrar pdf and read it carefully. Here are some of them:

  • You will learn from the direct words of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani, who was a great scholar, jurist, preacher, miracle-worker, and leader of the Qadiriyya tariqa (Sufi order). He was known as Ghawth al-A'zam (the supreme helper) and Sultan al-Awliya (the king of the saints) for his spiritual authority and influence.

  • You will benefit from the guidance and advice of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani, who was a compassionate teacher and a generous benefactor. He was famous for his generosity, humility, piety, courage, and service to humanity. He helped thousands of people with their worldly and spiritual needs.

  • You will discover the secrets of Sufism and the path to Allah, which are hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. You will gain insight into the mysteries of creation, the realities of the unseen world, and the secrets of your own soul. You will also learn how to purify your heart, increase your faith, attain closeness to Allah, and achieve spiritual perfection.

How to Download Kitab Sirrul Asrar PDF

Downloading kitab sirrul asrar pdf is easy and convenient. You can find it online in various websites that offer free Islamic books in PDF format. You can also choose between different versions of the book, such as the original Arabic text or the Indonesian translation.

Here are some steps to download kitab sirrul asrar pdf:

  • Go to a website that provides kitab sirrul asrar pdf for free download. For example, you can visit or

  • Select the version of kitab sirrul asrar pdf that you want to download. You can choose between Arabic or Indonesian language, and between full or partial chapters.

  • Click on the download link or button that corresponds to your choice. You may need to wait for a few seconds or minutes for the download process to start.

  • Save the kitab sirrul asrar pdf file on your device or computer. You can open it with any PDF reader software or application.

  • Enjoy reading kitab sirrul asrar pdf and learning from Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani.


Kitab sirrul asrar pdf is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn about Sufism and the teachings of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani. It is a book that reveals the secrets of secrets and guides you to the path of Allah. By downloading kitab sirrul asrar pdf, you will be able to access this treasure of knowledge and wisdom anytime and anywhere.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what kitab sirrul asrar pdf is and how to download it. We also hope that you will benefit from reading it and applying it in your life. May Allah bless you with His mercy and guidance.

What You Will Learn from Kitab Sirrul Asrar PDF

Kitab sirrul asrar pdf is not just a book of information, but a book of transformation. It is a book that will teach you how to change your life and your relationship with Allah. It is a book that will inspire you to follow the footsteps of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani and become a true Sufi.

Some of the things that you will learn from kitab sirrul asrar pdf are:

  • The meaning and purpose of your existence and your role in the divine plan.

  • The origin and destiny of your soul and how to return to your original state of purity and bliss.

  • The levels and stages of spiritual growth and how to progress from one to another.

  • The methods and techniques of purification, zikir, meditation, contemplation, and invocation that will help you attain spiritual illumination and divine proximity.

  • The signs and manifestations of Allah's presence and grace in your life and how to recognize them.

  • The etiquette and manners of Sufi discipleship and how to behave with your teacher, your fellow seekers, and your Lord.

How to Benefit from Kitab Sirrul Asrar PDF

Downloading kitab sirrul asrar pdf is not enough to benefit from its contents. You need to read it with an open mind and a sincere heart. You need to reflect on its meanings and apply them in your life. You need to seek the guidance and assistance of Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him) in understanding and implementing its teachings.

Here are some tips on how to benefit from kitab sirrul asrar pdf:

  • Read it with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure and knowledge.

  • Read it with respect and reverence for Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani and his words.

  • Read it with humility and awareness of your own shortcomings and need for improvement.

  • Read it with gratitude and appreciation for the blessings and favors that Allah has bestowed upon you through this book.

  • Read it with patience and perseverance, without rushing or skipping any part.

  • Read it with attention and concentration, without distraction or interruption.

  • Read it with understanding and comprehension, without confusion or doubt.

  • Read it with action and practice, without delay or negligence.


Kitab sirrul asrar pdf is a precious gift for anyone who wants to learn about Sufism and the teachings of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani. It is a book that will enlighten your mind, enrich your heart, and elevate your soul. By downloading kitab sirrul asrar pdf, you will be able to access this priceless treasure anytime and anywhere.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what kitab sirrul asrar pdf is and how to download it. We also hope that you will benefit from reading it and applying it in your life. May Allah bless you with His mercy and guidance.

Who is Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani and Why You Should Follow Him

Kitab sirrul asrar pdf is not only a book of Sufism, but also a book of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani. He is the author and the source of this book. He is the one who received the secrets of secrets from Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him) and transmitted them to his disciples and followers. He is the one who exemplified the teachings and practices of this book in his life and character.

Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani was born in 470 AH (1077 CE) in the city of Jilan in Iran. He was from the lineage of Imam Hasan ibn Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was a descendant of saints and scholars, and he inherited their knowledge and piety. He memorized the Quran at a young age and studied various Islamic sciences under renowned teachers. He traveled to Baghdad, the capital of Islamic civilization at that time, and excelled in fiqh (jurisprudence), hadith (traditions), kalam (theology), and other disciplines.

However, Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani was not satisfied with the outward knowledge and wanted to attain the inward knowledge of Allah. He devoted himself to worship, asceticism, and purification. He sought the company of Sufi masters and learned from them the secrets of tasawwuf. He underwent many trials and tribulations in his spiritual journey, but he never gave up or compromised. He reached the highest levels of ma'rifah (gnosis) and wilayah (sainthood). He became the qutb (axis) of his time and the ghawth (helper) of his era.

Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani was not only a Sufi, but also a da'i (caller) and a mujaddid (reformer). He preached to the masses and guided them to the truth. He taught them the basics of Islam and the subtleties of tasawwuf. He revived the sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and refuted the bid'ah (innovation) of the deviants. He defended the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah (the people of sunnah and consensus) and refuted the arguments of the Mu'tazilah (rationalists), the Rafidah (Shiites), the Khawarij (rebels), and other sects. He was respected and loved by all Muslims, regardless of their madhhab (school of thought) or tariqa (Sufi order).

Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani passed away in 561 AH (1166 CE) in Baghdad. He left behind a legacy of knowledge, wisdom, spirituality, service, and leadership. He authored many books on various topics, such as al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq (The Sufficiency for the Seekers of the Path of Truth), Futuh al-Ghaib (The Revelations of the Unseen), al-Fath al-Rabbani (The Divine Opening), and of course, kitab sirrul asrar. He also founded the Qadiriyya tariqa, which is one of the most widespread and influential Sufi orders in history.

By following Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani, you will be following a true guide and a perfect example. You will be following someone who followed the Quran and the sunnah, who combined between shari'ah (law) and haqiqah (reality), who balanced between zuhd (renunciation) and rida (contentment), who harmonized between 'ilm (knowledge) and 'amal (action), who integrated between dhikr (remembrance) and fikr (reflection), who manifested both jalal (majesty) and jamal (beauty). You will be following someone who can lead you to Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him).

How to Join the Qadiriyya Tariqa and Follow Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani

If you want to join the Qadiriyya tariqa and follow Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani, you need to do two things: bay'ah (pledge) and suluk (wayfaring).

Bay'ah is the pledge of allegiance that you make to Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani as your spiritual master and guide. It is a covenant that you make with him to follow his teachings and instructions, to love him and obey him, to seek his intercession and assistance, to emulate his character and manners, to remember him and invoke blessings upon him. It is a bond that connects you with him in this world and in the hereafter.

To make bay'ah, you need to find a living representative or deputy of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani who can initiate you into the tariqa. This person should be a qualified Sufi master who has received permission from Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani or his successors to accept disciples and transmit his teachings. You should look for someone who has knowledge, piety, sincerity, humility, generosity, wisdom, compassion, courage, service, leadership, miracles, visions, dreams, or any other signs that indicate his connection with Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani.

Once you find such a person, you should approach him with respect and sincerity. You should ask him to accept you as his disciple and to give you bay'ah. You should follow his instructions on how to perform bay'ah. Usually, it involves reciting some verses of Quran or some supplications or some names of Allah or some salutations on Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani while holding his hand or kissing his hand or placing your hand on your chest or forehead. You should also renew your bay'ah regularly by repeating these words or actions.

Suluk is the wayfaring that you undertake after making bay'ah. It is the journey that you embark on towards Allah under the guidance of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani. It is a process that involves purification, education, cultivation, elevation, realization, actualization, annihilation, subsistence, manifestation, unification, differentiation,

and perfection.

To perform suluk, you need to follow the teachings and practices that Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani has prescribed for his disciples. You should adhere to the shari'ah in all aspects of your life. You should perform your obligatory duties such as prayer,




and jihad.

You should avoid all prohibited things such as shirk,





and ghaflah.

You should also observe some voluntary acts such as nawafil,



and qital.

You should purify your heart from all diseases such as riya,






and hawa.

You should adorn your heart with all virtues such as ikhlas,






and mahabbah.

You should also practice zikir regularly according to your capacity

and condition.

You should recite some formulas or phrases that contain

the names or attributes

of Allah

or His messenger

(peace be upon him)

or Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani.

You should recite them with your tongue

or in your heart

or both.

You should recite them silently

or aloud

or both.

You should recite them at specific times

or at any time

or both.

You should recite them with specific numbers

or without numbers

or both.

You should recite them with specific intentions

or without intentions

or both.

You should recite them with concentration

or without concentration

or both.

You should also meditate frequently according to your level

and state.

You should contemplate on some meanings or realities that relate

to Allah

or His messenger

(peace be upon him)

or Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani.

You should contemplate on them with your mind

or with your heart

or both.

You should contemplate on them with logic

or with intuition

or both.

You should contemplate on them with evidence

or with inspiration

or both.

You should contemplate on them with analysis

or with synthesis

or both.

You should contemplate on them with affirmation

or with negation

or both.

You should also seek guidance constantly from Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani through various ways. You should ask him questions directly or indirectly through his representatives or deputies or books or writings or speeches or recordings. You should listen to his answers attentively or carefully or respectfully or obediently or gratefully or lovingly. You should act upon his answers sincerely or faithfully or diligently or earnestly or wholeheartedly or completely.

You should also invoke blessings frequently on Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani through various means. You should send salutations on him verbally or mentally or physically or spiritually or emotionally or devotionally. You should send salutations on him


Kitab sirrul asrar pdf is a unique and valuable book that can help you achieve your spiritual goals and aspirations. It is a book that contains the secrets of secrets that Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani received from Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him) and shared with his disciples and followers. It is a book that teaches you how to follow Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani and join his Qadiriyya tariqa.

By downloading kitab sirrul asrar pdf, you will be able to access this book anytime and anywhere. You will be able to read it, understand it, reflect on it, and practice it. You will be able to benefit from its contents and blessings. You will be able to connect with Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani and receive his guidance and assistance. You will be able to progress on the path of Sufism and attain the pleasure of Allah.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what kitab sirrul asrar pdf is and how to download it. We also hope that you will benefit from reading it and applying it in your life. May Allah bless you with His mercy and guidance. 4e3182286b


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